Motivational / Personal Development

The Grass is Greener

“The grass is always greener on the other side” is a quote I have heard all too often. I have found myself in situations where I felt I was unable to handle a task and would change direction to avoid the issue. I quickly learned this behavior was unacceptable and would not get me far in life.

 In life we will all go through challenges and have to make crucial decisions in our careers, families, health/wellness, relationships, marriage and more. Think about a time when you choose to take “Option A” instead of “Option B” because A offered you what you wanted but B would offered you what you needed (substitute Option A & B with something you can relate to). In this situation you may have been thinking, “the grass is always greener on the other side”. There is not a right or wrong answer in this situation however it is a better way to manage the decision you make.

My advice to those of you who may find yourselves in a situation similar to the one above is  “the grass is not always greener on the other side, it is greener where you water it”. Do the best you can with your current condition and do not to give up because things get tough but rather work to make a way for things to get better.

As always thanks for reading…Please spread “Good Vides”

2 thoughts on “The Grass is Greener

  1. The whole meaning of “the grass is always greener on the other side” is a warning not to leave where you are and go “over there”. The whole point of the expression is stay where you are, as it’s the same as what you see “on the other side”.

    This phenomena can be witnessed in nature, where it derives from, most likely it was from a farmer, particularly one with livestock who need grass to eat.

    Stand on a hill. Look across the valley to the “grass on the other side”. It will indeed look greener, thicker, rich and more fertile than the grass you are stood in. Then walk down in the valley, up the other side and stand in that “greener grass”. You will notice however, when looking back at your original spot, that now the original grass looks greener. The point is, it’s just an illusion, a trick of the light, eyes and mind.

    So the point you are making, was already made in the expression itself.

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